I’m not intensely connected to Thanksgiving as a holiday. To be honest, turkey is far from my favorite food, although I enjoy it. And I’m just about to eat a Thanksgiving meal for the second time in one week. But no one feels sorry for me, and I truly can’t feel sorry for myself. It will be great. So, in the spirit of all of this gluttonous feasting, I want to recognize the abundance that has been poured out upon me from the Lord over this past year. So here are the things I am most thankful for:
I am thankful for God’s hand in my life. I would be lost without the guidance He gives me daily, even when I least deserve it.
I am thankful for family.
I am thankful for friendships; especially for best friends that live right around the corner and can show up my most desperate moments whether I ask them to or not.
I am thankful for the bond that we build with others, sometimes complete strangers, that show we are all one as a human race, just facing the fierce storms of life side by side.
I am thankful for my own special someone, regardless of our circumstances.
I am thankful for a place to call my own; I love my little sanctuary where I can close the door on the rest of the crazy world and just be me.
I am thankful for those that have shown me what it means to love someone else, and have opened up and allowed me to love them.
I am thankful for a good job, and an amazing boss who takes good care of me.
I am thankful to be healthy.
I’m thankful for lessons learned the hard way, because I don’t have to learn them twice.
I’m thankful that I have only had to scrape snow off my car twice so far this year (even if others aren’t so excited about the lack of snow).
I’m thankful that I got an A- in my stats class, even if I didn’t deserve it.
Most of all, I am thankful for my Savior and the Gospel, without which I can’t imagine where I would be.
Happy Thanksgiving.