Saturday, December 5, 2015


My sister Tricia is 18 months older than me, and one of my very best friends. We grew up sharing everything, and one of the most special weeks since Devin was born was when Tricia was here to share in my first experience as a mother.

Trish and I haven't lived together since we were both in high school, and although we get to see each other several times a year, there are usually lots of kids, family, work, errands, etc. going on during our visits. This was the first time we've been together since I can remember with no agenda, other than spending time together and taking care of Devin. Trish brought her oldest daughter Libby with her and it was so fun to share Devin, Florida life, and Disneyworld with both of them.

Trish was a rockstar at making sure we were taken care of and Libby was a great helper. However, the most amazing thing about having them here was just having them here. I loved sharing our life with them, and being able to spend all day talking to my sister for a week, regardless of what we were doing. We took Libby and Devin to Disneyworld, and while Devin did lots of sleeping, I think he had a good time. While Libby had a great time at Disney, I think she actually enjoyed going to the pool in our complex and calling everyone she could think of from our home phone (apparently an actual landline is quite a phenomenon to an 8 year old) the most.

As an added bonus, the week Trish came my cousin Nancy and her oldest son Joshua came up from South Florida one night to visit. Nancy is like another sister to me, and it felt like being "home" having them both here with me. I did a terrible job getting pictures of the three of us girls together, but we did get some other fun photos that week.

Trish and Nancy are both amazing moms and they were such an incredible support and calming influence to me as I adjust to my new role. I'm so grateful and blessed to have them in my life and am grateful I had some time to share the world of motherhood with them.

Libby helping with bath time
Libby and Joshua playing together
Brad and Libby at EPCOT
All of us at the Castle together. Our "photographer" didn't realize he cut Devin's head out of the picture
Libby, Devin, and me at EPCOT
Libby and Devin

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