Sunday, January 27, 2013

Our First Race

On September 29th Brad and I ran the Twighlight Zone Tower of Terror 10 miler. The longest race I've run before was a 5K (3.1 miles), and Brad had never run a race (never really run at all) in his life. He got excited about it and I told him if he was willing to train for it, I would train with him. I really wanted to get him out exercising and this was the best chance I was going to get.

Our first few runs were pretty pathetic. A mile felt like a very long distance and I wondered what we were thinking each step of the way. There were even moments when we were regularly running 3-3.5 miles that I still felt overwhelmed by the idea of making it 10 miles. We made it 5 miles one Saturday and my body felt so depleted that I struggled for a few weeks to recover. I thought maybe my body just wasn't equipped to run long distances. But we created a schedule to give us a plan and decided to keep going.

When we finally hit 6 miles, I found myself empowered. If I could run 6 miles, I knew I could make it to 10 miles. Second, I felt amazing because I did something I'd never been able to do before. I came to really look forward to our long runs. Even though there were moments during the run that were hard, the finish always made it worth it.

The race started at 10pm in the parking lot of Disney's Hollywood Studios. We ran through Disney property finishing up in the Hollywood Studios park right at base of the Tower of Terror. A lot of people dress up for the event and it's definitely about fun, along with racing. Brad and I decided to bring our little muppet Walter along, so I strapped him on my back throughout the race, and we held him up between us as we crossed the finish line.

We finished the race strong but weren't able to stay for the after party since I had pushed myself a bit hard. I was pretty bummed, but it felt amazing to know we had finished. We finished! We ran 10 miles in one hour and 52 minutes. And if we can do that, how many more things can we do that today seem impossible?

At the resort getting ready to head out with Walter

Proudly crossing the finish line

Post Race

The day after with our medals

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