Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Waiter, There's a WHAT in My Soup???

Since Brad and I have now moved far, FAR away from our loved ones, I decided it was high time I started dropping at least an occasional post about our adventures here in Florida. But in order to go forward, I feel I must go back several months to capture the rest of 2011 because it was quite a year!

Of course since Brad and I are married, so it's only logical it started with an engagement, which started with a proposal. And what a proposal it was! Brad had it planned out from about the beginning of the year... and he had the ring for probably a good month before the official proposal took place. I am very impressed that he carried it around for so long without cracking.
I headed up to Idaho for his first Comic Frenzy (a comedy improv group at BYU-I) performance on March 3rd, and since he and Emily were in a play that weekend, it didn't seem strange that my parents were coming along for the weekend too. I realized looking back I should have been suspicious for several reasons, but Emily and her roommates did an excellent job of allaying any suspicion and my mom acted way to normal for there to be mishief afoot. She's the worst liar I've ever known.

The final improv game was called "Waiter" and required a member of the audience to come onstage. I knew something was up I was "randomly picked" from the crowd and brought onstage. My hunch was definitely confirmed when the suggestion needed from the audience was something that would fit in the palm of the hand, and the entire audience yelled, "A RING!!!"
Sure enough, each of the members of the team took their turn coming up while I politely said, "Waiter, there's a ring in my soup." Each would give some sort of pun to go with the "ring" suggestion, until finally Brad came up to the front of the stage where I was sitting. I looked up at him and said, "Um...waiter, there's a ring in my soup?"

"Oh that's where I put it!" He exclaimed while pulling the ring out and getting on one knee. The audience cheered and then fell silent while he first said in a quivering voice, "this is going to be a lot harder than I thought!" But he asked the question, and of course I grabbed him and kissed him, and said yes.

Mom and Dad there with us to celebrate

My weekend roommates and Brad's partners in crime

Brad and I just after the proposal

Oh and as a side note... he had a horrible mustache for a play he was in. I did not think he would actually propose while he was still sporting the stache. Boy was I wrong.

I finally found one copy of the video that was saved somewhere other than facebook. Unfortunately you can't really see any faces in it with the bright lights. But you'll get the gist of it...

1 comment:

Jer and Cam said...

I'm so glad you posted this! So fun to watch how it all went down. Brad is so creative and fun, I can't believe how perfectly that went down! your life is gonna be a party together! Love you guys!!!